PCT 2018 Day 64, June 25, Monday.
Start mile 1343.8, campsite near Boundary Spring
End mile 1374.8, visitor’s center
Miles walked: 31.0
The trail goes through an active geothermal area. Terminal Geyser belches continuous steam. This brown bear was exploring stumps for grubs and insects.
It was reluctant to move for me, and only went a few feet off the trail for me to pass.
Boiling Spring Lake gave off a lot of steam in the morning. Several hot springs were near Drakesbad Resort, where I did not stop. They have a pool heated from the hot springs.
The PCT apparently misses many volcanic features, only skirting the edge of the park, but what I do see is pretty hot stuff.
Next to this lake, Lower Twin Lake, I see another brown bear on the trail, and this one was quick to retreat when I made noise. I exit the park, so no backcountry camping in the park, which requires a bear canister. Wifey (Canada) and I pass each other several times today, but we both end up at the Fill-up convenience store in the tiny town of Old Station and camp at the nearby forest service visitors center. We hang out for a while at a picnic table, eating dinner, and having a good chat. He will try to make it to Burney Resort (not state park, that is later) because they have a special package deal for hikers. That is 32 miles away, a challenge to get in early enough for a shower and laundry. Hmmm.
Finished audiobook Not George Washington, by P G Wodehouse.
No selfies with bears please.