PCT 2018 Day 61, June 22, Friday.
Start mile 1284.7, just past trailhead, cowboy camp under power line tower
End campsite at mile 1312.8
Miles walked: 28.1
A bear was walking on PCT path coming towards me, 100 feet away walking on skree, and I saw it before it saw me. Clacking my trekking poles together was enough to cause it to turn and run away.
Climbing from 2.5k to 7k elevation took much of the day. Now in the Lassen national forest, one can see volcanic Eagle Rocks, perhaps a preview of what is to come at Lassen National Park in a couple of days.
Today I saw 8 sobos, several flipping from Ashland.
Finished audiobook The Wisdom of Father Brown, by G K Chesterton.
The cargo plane was probably bear hunting.