PCT 2018 Day 30, May 22, Tuesday.
Start Kennedy Meadows, mile 702.2, camp at Grumpy Bear resort and restaurant
End mile 705.3, campsite near south fork of Kern River
Miles walked: 3.1
The nearby Triple Crown Outfitter, a new store, had good prices and a decent selection of equipment and food. A pleasant day of studying the trail and trial ahead, doing laundry, restoring calories to the body, and other trip preparations as needed are completed.
Milkshake (Missouri), from the day of angel treats, arrives and finds her friends, including Dirt and Applejack, and we all hold court at Grumpy’s bar.
Much conversation and laughter occur. Although the free tent sites by the restaurant was fine for one night, once my 24 hours of paid wifi was finished, I decided to move to the quieter Kennedy Meadows Campground on trail, for a strong start in the morning. Sean (former police officer) and I take the shuttle to the trailhead. At the campground, we discover that Kennedy Meadows Store now runs the campground, and that we were supposed to have paid for our sites at the store, a couple of miles back. We hike a couple of miles further and set up camp near the sound of the river.