PCT 2018 Day 91, July 22, Sunday
Start mile 2144.2, Cascade Locks,
End mile 2166.5, flat corner at switchback
Miles walked: 22.3
Bruce and Beth drop me off at Cascade Locks, and I get on trail around 10:30AM, crossing the Bridge of the Gods Bridge over the Columbia River. The metal bridge does not really have a pedestrian walkway, like I had assumed.
Through the metal grate road surface one can view the river below.
On the other side, I am in Washington state!
Blackberries, and later raspberries, are growing along the trail. Later, higher in elevation, I see ripe huckleberries.
Bonnieville Dam can be seen in the distance, with hydroelectric generators and fish ladders for salmon.
The trail passes below the summit of Table Mountain.
Some clear-cutting is visible late in the day.
I hike until dark, to offset my late start. Cans and Boombox, last seen at the Timberline Lodge breakfast, are camping nearby, and I see several southbound thru-hikers today.
Only 500 miles to go!