PCT 2018 Day 32, May 24, Thursday.
Start mile 730.8, campsite at Death Canyon Creek
End campsites at Rock Creek, mile 760.5
Miles walked: 29.7
Starting at 8 5k elevation, I climb to 11.1k at Cottonwood Pass. At the pass, and throughout the day, one can see many impressive snow-covered peaks.
The pass has very little remaining snow, just a few places.
Near the end of the day we enter Sequoia National Park, which requires the use of bear canisters. Bear boxes are also distributed at many campsites. At my final campsite, back down at 9.5k, I fall off a log trying to cross a creek, and get wet feet. Several crossings in this area are tricky to cross, or are wet-foot crossings, as will be experienced tomorrow. A few other hikers are at this campsite, too weary to socialize.
Finished audiobook Jill the Reckless, by P G Wodehouse