HDT 2022 Day 37, May 7, Saturday
Start dirt road S14 mile 23.2
End Colorado City Alternate mile 22.0
Miles walked: 23.4
Continuing north, I soon come to a highway, and divert onto the Colorado City alternate. After 6 miles of road walk, I stop at a high-end supermarket on the outskirts of Colorado City and set up headquarters in the seating area of the deli, to recharge, resupply, snack, have early lunch, and use wifi, making calls about transportation after my hike. It takes about three hours to complete my checklist, a welcome break.
Colorado City, AZ and its sister city Hilldale, UT, have a reputation as polygamist communities. Prairie dresses were frequently seen in the supermarket. Houses in the towns were often large and eccentric and individualistic, and privacy fences were popular.
Everyone I talked to in town was polite and friendly, especially considering I was a smelly hiker with ripped clothes.

Out of the towns the route follows a creek, and then joins a jeep road. I make a navigation error and follow a popular canyon trail with water running, instead of getting on the jeep trail, and the climb out of the canyon to fix the error was tough.
The jeep trail becomes loose sand for miles, an endurance test.

Daylight runs out just before rejoining the main HDT route.
Finished audiobook Leave It to Psmith, by P G Wodehouse.