Return to Colorado

More winding down the collection of tree-enclosed rocky trails known as Summit Trail, then down to the pass. Following directions in my databook guide, the cabin appears.


Just a few feet from the parking area, most people do not know it exists. Dark, only three bunks, no amenities such as a propane lantern, but free, first-come, first-served. Looks fun for snow-mobile season.
A group of five trail-runners, staying in a pack, started up the path. One, an older gentleman, paused to let me know this was a popular trail for mountain bikes, then ran on to join the group.
When the first bike arrived the path was enclosed by trees and winding, so you could not really see far ahead and had to step out of the way quickly to let her pass.


All riders were invariably polite and called out greetings and thanks for me stepping aside. I could usually see them before they saw me, since they had to concentrate on rocks and turns.
Continue reading “Return to Colorado”


Today was on a “Summit Trail” of connected high points, that involved much quick up-and-down, energy draining and morale busting. Usually enclosed by tree cover, strangely little beetle ravaged, no views of distant mountains are likely. Here is a representative view.


And here is a representative trail surface. Continue reading “Rock”

Road Hard

In the morning while passing a vaporous lake


the grass along the trail has dew, and in places even frost. This does not help my wet shoe situation.
The path moves on dirt road through aspen forest.


For the rest of the day we stay on dirt road, gravel road, road-to-trail, some paved road, and gravel road, with a bit of pathway connecting it all. Elevation is in the 9000s, a hot day with clouds attempting to become thunder-clouds and start the monsoon season.

Continue reading “Road Hard”