Rodeo Grounds Trail RG Alt 04 2024

Six Socorro Trails volunteers added an alternate segment to the Rodeo Grounds Trail network in Socorro. Rob pitched the work on Thursday, and we showed up on Saturday. A small agile trail group can go out and do work on short notice.

Thanks, all. Good company and good views, as I refreshed my tread work practice.

Lilley Park 2023

Eight hikers, supported by 7 Backcountry Horsemen riders, backpacked into Lilley Park in the Gila to lop brush and work on tread for 4 days, on a joint NMVFO and BCH-Gila project. Our site was without water, so riders had made several trips before we arrived to haul in water, and the riders camped at a different site to do sawing.

We did have snow flurries during the first two days, even during working, but little or no wind. A hot tent was really welcome in the morning before the sun came up.