
Eighteen boxes, ready to be filled during month of May for mail-drops along The Trail.

I may have over-estimated required size of box at 12″x16″x6″. During previous trip 24 years ago the box size chosen worked well, and I seem to remember the stacks did not take up that much space, but regrettably I did not record box dimensions at that time. In an ideal world I would have put together enough trail meals to fill one box and use that to estimate necessary box size.

In 1988 I planned 20 boxes for 2000 miles, and this year I am preparing 18 boxes for 1000 miles. Am I being too cautious? Perhaps, but I’d prefer to think of it as acknowledging potential limitations of an older body and planning accordingly.

Less than a month until the hike start!

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Hello, world!

In 1988 I attempted a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, starting in Georgia but eventually stopped mid-way at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Then more life happened. Moved to New Mexico, married the love of my life, found a cool job, got kids, started a business, and eventually sent kids off to college.

Now in summer of 2012, I am attempting to complete The Trail. This blog tracks my preparation and progress.

And afterwards, the Continental Divide Trail looks mighty intriguing.