PCT 2018 Day 12, May 4, Friday.
Start campsites at mile 253.1
End 266.1 road crossing and exit to Big Bear Lake and Big Bear Hostel
Miles walked: 13
Last night I reserved a bunk at the nearby hostel using their website. Now a quick hike out to the road junction to get to the town of Big Bear Lake, where a researcher is asking hikers to fill out a questionnaire on app use on the trail. A trail angel comes up and asks if anyone needs a ride to town– wow, that was easy. Jan (pronounced yan) and Bob ( both Germany), and Marie (France) also ride to the hostel with me.
Sarge and Crocs introduce us to the hostel resources, and I grab a shower and do laundry. Jan and Bob invite me to lunch, and we try nearby Teddy’s for burgers with Lella (Hungary, pronounced leela).
Later I walk a mile to the grocery and prepare my food bag. The trail calls for the morning.