About 14 NMVFO volunteers met at Santa Barbara Campground in the Carson National Forest to work on our adopted Middle Fork Trail #24, and nearby trails.

Our cooks were Marie and Frances, and we had a fun group, with new volunteers and old regulars.

Sagebrush personal hiking blog
About 14 NMVFO volunteers met at Santa Barbara Campground in the Carson National Forest to work on our adopted Middle Fork Trail #24, and nearby trails.
Our cooks were Marie and Frances, and we had a fun group, with new volunteers and old regulars.
Five NMVFO volunteers and five NMWild new-hires met at Tres Piedras Ranger Station to be certified as crosscut sawyers, in a two-day class taught by Craig, Jennifer, and Courtney from the Carson National Forest. The first day of the new USFS curriculum is theory, presented as Powerpoint with embedded videos.
Volunteers car-camped at nearby 64-G dispersed camping area.
The next day was all field instruction and evaluation.
A big thanks goes out to our instructors with the Carson, and volunteers for dedicating time to level-up and maintain their trail skills.
In a previous article we showed how to extract a rudimentary databook from a route on a OSMnx graph. Now let us see how we can improve the output.
One problem noticed since that article is that the OSMnx simplify_graph() function that removes 2nodes can cause trail names to be concatenated together, making it hard to know what trail you are supposed to be on. Another issue is that we want to list in our databook each time a trail crosses a road or another trail, and that information was lost when we simplified and removed 1nodes.
After simplify_graph(), here is an example of a ‘name’ attribute on a trail section (edge):
Cooney Canyon Trail (201),Cooney Canyon/Mineral Creek Trail,McKean
Or another example:
Bursum Road,Middle Fork Trail,Snow Canyon Trail #142,Forestry Road 652,Forest Road 1421,Loco Mountain Road
These concatenated names are also displayed on our map when you hover over trails, and also on my tracks that I exported for use by a GPS app.
The simplify_graph() function has an argument that preserves all the node pairs in a simplified edge, saving them in the edge attribute ‘merged_edges‘. From the node pairs we should be able to go back to the original graph and “desimplify” to see all individual trail segments before they are concatenated together.
for u,v,k,d in J.edges(keys=True,data=True): if 'merged_edges' in d: merged_edges = d['merged_edges'] else: merged_edges = [ [u,v] ] if len(merged_edges)==0: continue for s,t in merged_edges: if GTR.has_edge(s,t): for kg in GTR[s][t]: #fix improve dat = GTR[s][t][kg] K.add_edge(s,t,key=None,**dat) break elif GTR.has_edge(t,s): # in case 1-way divided street around Silver City for kg in GTR[t][s]: #fix improve dat = GTR[t][s][kg] K.add_edge(t,s,key=None,**dat) break else: print('FATAL ERROR WITH MERGED EDGES',s,t) continue
The resulting graph is rather large, with edges typically 0.1 miles in length or smaller, showing each bend in the trail, going from 217 nodes in the simplified graph to over 40000 in the unsimplified.
We will be able to use the desimplified graph to create a more detailed databook, which we explore in the next post.
Download source code here.