PCT 2018 Day 27, May 19, Saturday.
Start mile 621.0, micro tent site near trail
End Walker Pass Campground, mile 651
Miles walked: 30
Continuing in high desert, the trail descends to a dirt road at Bird Spring Pass with a water cache… and more.
A group of trail angels put out a lovely spread, and I graze on fresh cooked quesadillas, cold soda, brownie, celery stick with dip, Snickers for later, assorted muffins, chex mix, grapes, and– oh yeah– a couple liters of water. The route climbs from 5.5k elevation to 6.8k, fueled by trail angel brunch, easy climbing.
Later the path is on wide #lat mountain-top, mostly level, before descending to Walker Pass and interesting looking snow-kissed peaks further north.
At Walker Pass Campground, another group of trail angels serve a massive slab of smoked beef brisket smothered in salsa with baked potato, rolls, and cold drinks. Some of these angels are out of Bakersfield, others from nearby Lake Isabella.
New hiker names today included Milkshake, Blazer, Dragon, Zeroman, and John.