
  • GET 2024 day 4, Oct 4, Friday
  • Start basecamp
  • End basecamp
  • Lopping and some cairns

Early in the morning while still dark, I make out in the starlight an animal with a white brushy tail approaching camp. My first thought is “skunk”, but later in the day I notice squirrels with a light gray patch on the tail.

The lower half of this section of trail to the ridge is finished. I worked towards the car, and resupply food at the car. Hiker hunger is kicking in.

I hear an elk bugle at 9am. Later I hear an odd clinking. It is an elk, male, on top of a talus field way high, dislodging rock. My camera is not fast enough for a photo.

Finally I can start working the upper section of trail for half the day. It helps to be working towards a water source. I do somehow get off trail and onto a game trail on my way back to camp. Oops.

Finished audiobook Retief Intergalactic Diplomat in Space


  • GET 2024 day 3, Oct 3, Thursday
  • Start basecamp
  • End basecamp
  • Cleared 10 blowdowns, added cairns, lopped less trail than expected

The hope wns to complete the second quarter of lopping, extending up to basecamp, but a lot of Gambel oak had grown close to the trail and needed to be removed.


I toss the cut vegetation as far from the trail as practical, but it is a lot. The area does not have a lot of ground litter in general, but I sure added plenty today.

Water Found

  • GET 2024 day 2,  Oct 2, Wednesday
  • Start basecamp 0.5 miles below Myers Spring
  • Stop return to basecamp
  • Lopped and cleared trees lower 1/4 trail to ridge, found water

The drainage to Myers Spring had a trickle of water, great news, so I will not need to carry more water up from the car.

My short saw broke, when the nut at the hinge came loose and fell off somewhere on the trail.

Fortunately a spare saw was waiting at the car. From there half the trail to basecamp was cleared, about a quarter of the trail up to the ridge.

What a vigorous long day of lopping! Here is a podcast recommendation that helped me work: A History of Rock Music in 500 Songso, by Andrew Hickey.