Highest Shortest Middlest

​St Cuthbert Way Day 5, April 20, Thursday

Start Morebattle at Templehall Hotel

Stop Kirk Yetholm, The Farmhouse b&b

Miles walked: 9

Today we will reach the highest elevation on the trail, hike our shortest mileage day, and pass the midway point.

We cross a footbridge on the way out of Morebattle.

The way goes mostly straight up a steep slope to a peak at Grubbit Law.

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Abbey and Castle

​St Cuthbert Way Day 4, April 19, Wednesday

Start Jedburgh, Allerton House.

Stop Morebattle at Temple Hall Hotel

Miles walked: 12

After breakfast we go down to Jedburgh Abbey and take an audio tour. The Augustine order were canons instead of monks at Melrose, and typically came from wealthier familes.

The community only had around twenty monks at one time, along with many staff and servants. Imagine such a large structure for only twenty!

Note the change in architectural styles between stories. The lower arches are Norman, and higher are Gothic, with pointed arches. This medieval abbey is much better preserved than Melrose.

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